Access Keys:

Loreto Junior Primary Crumlin, Loreto College, Crumlin, Dublin

Board of Management

The Board of Management fulfils its functions under the Education Act, 1998. It protects and defends the unique spirit of the school as determined by the values and the cultural tradition, education, morality, religion, social, linguistic and spiritual aims and direction of the school and the unique aspects of same and will be accountable to the patron for so doing.  

The board’s main function is to manage the school on behalf of the patron and for the benefit of the students and to provide an appropriate education for each student at the school.   

  • Members of the Board of Management 2019-2023
  • Catherine Shanahan - Chairperson and Patron's Nominee
  • Mary Galligan- Principal and Secretary to the BOM
  • Amy Murray - Staff Nominee
  • Deirdre Mullen - McGuinness - Parents' Nominee
  • Tony O Reilly - Parents' Nominee
  • Vivion Powney - Community Nominee
  • Sr Patricia Cadogen - Community Nominee

Core Beliefs

Our Core beliefs are the

God loves us

Everyone is learning all the time

We must care for the world we share

We must work hard and never give up

Learning is the ladder to your dreams